I've had the cast iron shoe form/last for so long, I forget where it came from. It's about 6 3/4 inches long, and marked only with a "C". Over the years, it's been moved around from bookshelves to tabletops, settling (for now) on top of some books, sitting on my coffee table. Who knows where he will travel to next?
I recently purchased these two books because of their subject matter: A Treasure Book of Homecraft (1934) and the Ontario Public School Health Book (1925).
Although I wasn't looking for information on the benefits of leeching, I was disappointed to find a lot of up-to-date information in the health book. Yet there are some interesting little tidbits, such as:
"Since all agree that the excessive use of alcohol is the cause of much crime, disease, and misery, and since the effect of even a small quantity is insidious in lessening self-control and will power, it is surely foolish in the extreme to have anthing to do with alcohol."
"The best way to take care of the hair is to wash and bush it regularly. Boys should wash their heads every week. Girls may wash theirs less frequently, for as a rule they seldom get it into the condition requiring such frequent washing as do the more active boys."
Published by The National Girls' Work Board of the Religious Education Council of Canada, A Treasure Book of Homecraft was a pleasure to read. Below, the table of contents and a page listing sample budgets for families earning $125 to $200 per month (click on photos to enlarge):
The book advises married couples: Probably the finest and happiest safeguard against undue interest in this factor [sex] is the arrival of a child to bless the home.
Some advice never gets old.