I'd like to give thanks to those pack rats of the past who, long before hoarding became prime-time television, hated to toss anything. Me? Other than my few vintage goodies, I toss, donate and recycle as much as I can. Historians and vintage hunters of the future will curse me and my kind.
So, because of yesterday's hoarders, I can share these with you:

A half-pint milk bottle, surrounded by old milk bottle tops. I purchased both at the
Queensville Antique Mall last year where, I think, the lot of tops went for about $5.

My parents passed along these Canadian meat ration tokens and handy dispenser. There's so many of them, it makes me wonder why my grandparents hoarded the tokens -- didn't they ever serve meat during the war? There are lots of these tokens available on eBay, going cheap. Click on the photo for a closer look.

A handful of old bingo cards. I haven't been able to date them,

Valentine Foldees were popular in the early 60's. I purchased these, for a few dollars each, at the Queensville Antique Mall, just because they were a cool reminder of when I was a little girl. Who knew they'd be collectible? I have seen the Babe Ruth cards listed for $100 to $150 on eBay, but I've not seen anyone bidding for them.

The deck of Old Maid playing cards may be incomplete, but I remember having the exact same set. Dealers must love people like me -- those who will buy anything that reminds them of their youth.

A couple of old Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) tickets. One is a "scholars" (student) fare that sold 7 for $1.00. I can't make out the TTC Chairman's signature, so am unable to date it. The other, an adult ticket priced at 4 for 25 cents or 16 for $1.00, is signed by William C. McBrien, Chairman from 1933 - 1954. If you're looking to date your own tickets, here's
a list of past chairmans.

Remember when War Amps issued these little, metal-trimmed key return tags? Nowadays, they're simply plastic (what isn't?). This one is dated 1965. My dad found the toy car in our front garden, many years ago, but the poor driver is missing his head (a real safety issue -- even back then).

And, finally, some tokens and coins (front and back) my mother gave me. My favourite is the silver token from Fran's Restaurant, celebrating it's anniversary with an offer of 50 cents toward the "purchase of any dinner or plate order". Fran opened his first restaurant, in Toronto, in 1940. I have no idea when this token was given out. Click on the photos to see the fine print.